80. Virological Quality of Irrigation Water in Leafy Green Vegetables and Berry Fruits Production Chains

Kokkinos P, Kozyra I, Lazic S, Söderberg K, Vasickova P, Bouwknegt M, Rutjes S, Willems K, Moloney R, de Roda Husman AM, Kaupke A, Legaki E, D’Agostino M, Cook N, von Bonsdorff CH, Rzeżutka A, Petrovic T, Maunula L, Pavlik I, Vantarakis A. “Virological Quality of Irrigation Water in Leafy Green Vegetables and Berry Fruits Production Chains” Food Environ Virol. 2017 Mar;9(1):72-78. doi: 10.1007/ s12560-016-9264-2. Epub 2016 Oct 5.
